
Humidity Management

By IUMI Loss Prevention Committee, 13th October 2017 | Print version

Corrosion, mold and condensation (“rain”) in an ocean container are responsible for tremendous monetary losses. The reason for this loss is usually a humidity found for instance in the cargo, packaging or dunnage which is too high. These losses are normally not transport losses but due to a lack of quality of the goods. The correct water content and the humidity management is an important part of ensuring the quality of the goods during transport. This is the reason why the Loss Prevention Committee is taking on this theme.

Water is a crucial component of the global transport of goods with about 80 percent of world trade done by sea. It is also an integral part of most goods including chief agricultural commodities themselves. If green coffee or cocoa beans become too dry, they lose vital flavor along with the water and becomes worthless. However, if they become too moist, there is a risk that spoilage will occur. Similarly if fruit loses some of its water it becomes unattractive, and its taste and thus value are diminished. 

Read the whole Statement on Humidity Management during the Transport of Goods HERE

