
Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance: First Disclosure Report published

26th January 2023 | Print version

The first Annual Disclosure Report for Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance (PPMI) has been published today. It is a landmark step forward for transparency in the maritime and insurance sectors toward decarbonisation. The data will act as a stepping-stone for the Signatories to engage their clients in a discussion about climate change, technology, and new risks.

On average, the Signatories’ portfolios are 12.7% above being aligned with reaching the UN maritime-goal of at least 50% reductions of the annual greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by 2050, compared with their level in 2008. The second trajectory the Signatories track takes is more ambitious and has a goal of zero CO2 emissions in the middle of this century. The simple average score of the 100% CO2 emission reduction track is 20.8% above alignment.

As a Supporting Partner of the PPMI, IUMI is interested to learn from the various takeaways which have been made available in this first publication.

The complete Annual Disclosure Report can be accessed here.
