
The Nominating Committee recommends to the IUMI Council suitable candidates for the positions of President and Vice Chairs.

Members of the Committee are appointed by the President of IUMI, with the objective of forming a well-balanced committee of people committed to the aims of IUMI and familiar with the talent pool of people actively involved in IUMI affairs. Putting together an experienced and well qualified team on the IUMI Executive Committee is a responsibility the IUMI Nominating Committee takes very seriously.

Paul HackettChair 

Canopius 138, Market Street Capita Green, #04-01 Singapore, 0498946

Frédéric DenèfleExecutive Committee Liaison 

GAREX 9, rue de Téhéran 75008 Paris France

Jenna Hales 

Talbot Underwriting Limited, 58 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AV United Kingdom

Anneke Kooiman 

DUPI Underwriting Agencies B.V. Blaak 16, 6th floor 3011 TA, Rotterdam Netherlands

Selina Lau 

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers 29th Floor, Sunshine Plaza 353 Lockhart Road Wanchai Hong Kong

Brian Murphy 

Berkley Offshore Underwriting Managers 757 Third Avenue, 10th floor 10017 New York USA

Richard Turner 

West of England Insurance Services (Luxembourg) S.A. London UK