
In light of the growing relevance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues for marine insurers, IUMI decided in 2021 to establish an ESG Working Group (WG). The group is in charge of developing a mid-term and long-term work plan, strategy and vision for IUMI’s approach on ESG issues. The WG identifies key ESG topics which are specifically relevant to the global marine insurance industry. The purpose of the group is to educate IUMI members and raise awareness about ESG related trends and developments relevant for marine insurers. The ESG WG’s focus is to work on tangible and specific topics with direct relevance for IUMI’s membership.

ESG Working Group

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Richard TurnerChair 

West of England Insurance Services (Luxembourg) S.A. London United Kingdom

Sean DaltonEC liaison 

Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. 330 Madison Avenue 13th Floor New York, NY 10017 USA

Pauline des Vallières 

SCOR SE 5, avenue Kléber 75795 Paris Cedex 16 France

Friederike Göcking 

Swiss Life AG General-Guisan Quai 40 Postfach, 8022 Zürich Switzerland

Patrizia Kern-Ferretti 

Helvetia Dufourstrasse 40 9001 St Gallen Switzerland

Anneke Kooiman 

DUPI Underwriting Agencies B.V. Blaak 16, 6th floor 3011 TA, Rotterdam Netherlands

Hendrike KühlSecretary 

IUMI Grosse Elbstrasse 36 22767 Hamburg Germany

Lars LangeSecretary General 

IUMI Grosse Elbstrasse 36 22767 Hamburg Germany

James McDonald 

Sompo International 1st Floor, 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane London EC3R 7BB United Kingdom

Cynthia Nanthalall 

Hollard Marine Insurance 22 Oxford Road Parktown Johannesburg South Africa

Hildegunn Nilssen 

Norwegian Hull Club Solheimsgaten 5 5058 Bergen Norway

Neil RobertsPF Liaison 

Lloyds Market Association Suite 426 London EC3M 7DQ United Kingdom

Laurent Verheyen 

SA Jean Verheyen Rue de la Limite 17 1210 Brussels Belgium