
IMO Legal Affairs Committee Report

By Nick Gooding FCII, IUMI Alternate Officer at IMO

The Legal Affairs Committee (LEG) met for its 104th session on the 26-28 April. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the committee being established during the aftermath of the sinking of the Torrey Canyon on 18 March 1967. IUMI was represented by Hendrike Kühl and Nick Gooding.

The main matters discussed were:  

Facilitation of the entry into force and harmonized interpretation of the 2010 Protocol 

The meeting was informed that Norway has become the first contracting state to ratify the 2010 HNS Protocol. Following on there were discussions in the Plenary on the HNS Correspondence Group report. The outcome of these discussions was the approval of a presentation on HNS incident scenarios and for there to be a two-day workshop on this topic in 2018.

Fair Treatment of seafarers in the event of a maritime accident

At the previous committee meeting the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) informed the Plenary it was preparing a paper for States on the implementation of the 2006 Guidelines on fair treatment of seafarers in the event of a maritime accident. Subsequently the ITF will be hosting a one-day workshop at the IMO on Friday 23 June on the approach for the implementation of the Guidelines for submission to the LEG 105.

Advice and guidance in connection with the implementation of IMO instruments

A report was submitted to the committee by an Intersessional Correspondence Group proposing a draft Assembly resolution on the delegation of authority to issue insurance certificates required under the 1992 CLC and the 2010 HNS Convention. The correspondence group concluded that such delegation of authority to recognised organisations should have no impact on the liability of a delegating State in relation to the issuance of such certificates. The committee approved a draft resolution on the delegation of the authority to issue insurance certificates required under 1992 CLC and the 2010 HNS Convention be submitted to the Council and then to the Assembly with a view to adoption.
