Published: 20 April 2021
Thorough planning of the cargo packing and stowing processes is key to ensure that the cargoes will be satisfactory to the shipper, carrier and consignee regardless of the mode of transport. It is also crucial to ensure the goods do not cause potential hazards during the shipping.
The Cargo Integrity Group (CIG) is a cross-sector initiative aimed at improving the packing of goods in cargo transport units (CTUs) and multi-modal containers. The group comprises the Container Owners Association (COA), the Global Shippers Forum (GSF), the International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA International), TT Club, and the World Shipping Council (WSC). All of these organisations have been cooperating on a range of safety-related initiatives. One objective is to raise awareness and greater uptake of the CTU Code.
In this webinar, Peregrine Storrs-Fox, Risk Management Director at TT Club, first provide an overview on the CIG’s work and objectives, and an introduction to the CTU Quick Guide. This presentation is complemented by Capt. Uwe-Peter Schieder, Loss Prevention Manager at GDV and IUMI Loss Prevention Committee Vice Chair, who discusses specific cargo types and associated risks.
Following the presentations our attendees were invited to participate in a Q&A session.
Please click here to access the RECORDING and the SLIDES of Peregrine Storrs-Fox and the SLIDES of Uwe-Peter Schieder.
More information about best practice for the packing of CTUs, including the CTU Code Quick Guide and Container Checklist in several languages is available here: