
IACS goes cyber

By Lars Lange, IUMI Secretary General

New Working Group on Cyber Systems established

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) is the umbrella association of 12 leading classification societies. More than 90% of the world's cargo carrying tonnage is covered by the classification design, construction and through-life compliance Rules and standards set by the 12 IACS member societies.
IACS is aware that as well as hull and machinery, the onboard electrical equipment is becoming more and more important for the safety and security of a vessel and therefore should also be covered by the work of classification societies.

Accordingly, during the IACS Council Meeting in December 2015 the establishment of a new IACS Cyber Panel was agreed. This panel is currently preparing a roadmap for further work and intended output. Additionally, in autumn 2016, an IACS Joint Working Group on Cyber Systems (JWG) was founded and had its first meeting this November in London.

The JWG, led by the same chairman as the IACS Cyber Panel, involves industry representatives and stakeholders from all relevant sectors such as ship owners, flag states and insurers to ensure that IACS meets their practical demands.  An IUMI representative is a permanent member of the JWG.
