
Snapshot of the Insurance Block Exemption Regulation (IBER)

By Hendrike Kühl, Policy Director, IUMI

IBER is an EU regulation which allows insurers and reinsurers to benefit from an exemption to the prohibition of anticompetitive arrangements as outlined in the EU Treaties. It sets out the conditions under which (re)insurance companies can cooperate in the fields of joint calculations and studies, as well as (re)insurance pools, without infringing EU competition law.

The current IBER is due to expire in March 2017. The European Commission is currently examining whether it should be renewed. Earlier this year the Commission announced a preliminary position not to replace IBER and instead apply its Horizontal Guidelines which cover horizontal cooperation agreements. Stakeholders’ views vary with some still supporting a renewal while others agreeing to its expiration.

More detailed information and two related studies released in August 2016 are available here.
