The 5th session of the Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC) met at the International Maritime Organization’s headquarters from 10-14 September 2018 under the chairmanship of Mr. Hui Xie (China). A summary of the key issues discussed include the following:
IGF Code related matters
Gas and other low-flashpoint fuels emit low levels of air pollutants. At the same time these fuels bring specific safety challenges which need to be addressed. The International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) came into force on 1 January 2017. Its objective is to reduce dangers to ships, crews and the environment with a particular view on the nature of the fuels involved. New ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels are required to comply with the IGF Code. The Code includes mandatory requirements for the arrangement, installation, control and monitoring of machinery, equipment and systems using low-flashpoint fuels. The CCC Sub-Committee is tasked with keeping the IGF Code up-to-date and developing amendments or other guidelines in relation to other types of fuel.
Interim guidelines for ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel
The Sub-Committee agreed to draft interim guidelines for the safety of ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel. The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) was invited to refer specific paragraphs to other technical sub-committees for consideration and advice to CCC 6.
Safety provisions for ships using fuel cells
The Sub-Committee further decided to develop safety provisions for fuel cells as interim guidelines, to cover installation, fire safety and other relevant matters and instructed the correspondence group on safety of ships using low-flashpoint fuels to develop relevant draft interim guidelines.
Draft amendments to IGF Code agreed
CCC 5 also approved draft amendments to the IGF Code relating to the protection of the fuel supply for liquefied gas fuel tanks, aimed at preventing explosions.
Use of low flashpoint diesel as marine fuel
The correspondence group was further tasked to assess a proposal to carry out a formal safety assessment study for ships fuelled by low-flashpoint diesel (i.e. diesel fuel with a flashpoint of less than 60°C) and report back to CCC 6.
IMSBC Code amendments agreed
CCC 5 agreed the next comprehensive set of draft amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code. The draft amendments will be submitted to the 101st session of the Maritime Safety Committee for adoption.
The 2019 amendments include updates to various schedules, such as new individual schedule for Bauxite Fines as a Group A cargo. The amendments will be incorporated into a consolidated IMSBC Code, to include all amendments to date, since the IMSBC Code was first adopted in 2008.
Cargoes which may liquefy and other related phenomena
CCC 5 debated amendments to the IMSBC Code definition of Group A (cargoes which may liquefy) to include phenomena other than liquefaction. This follows research by the Global Bauxite Working Group, which identified a newly identified phenomenon affecting some bauxite cargoes, known as dynamic separation, which can cause instability of the cargo and the ship. The Sub-Committee concluded that the definition should be amended and tasked the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group to work on this.
Weather-dependent lashing
The Sub-Committee discussed potential draft amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code) related to weather-dependent lashing, aimed at ensuring the highest level of cargo securing, taking into account expected weather and other factors. The amendments would concern chapter 13 of the CSS Code, related to methods to assess the efficiency of securing arrangements for non-standardised cargo.
It was agreed, following discussion in a working group, that further detailed consideration of the matter was needed since the proposed amendments could have consequential implications for other cargo-related IMO instruments. A correspondence group was established to further consider the reduction curve for basic accelerations due to significant wave height regarding weather-dependent lashing; further consider draft amendments to annex 13 to the CSS Code; identify cargo-related IMO instruments, if any, which might be impacted; and submit a report to CCC 6.
In this regard IUMI’s Loss Prevention Committee supports a proposal put forward by the GDV (German Insurance Association) which aims to address new demands for cargo securing and lashing. The position paper which outlines several solutions for exceptional cargoes is available HERE.
For more details about CCC 5 please visit the IMO’s website.