
IUMI and ALSUM strengthen their partnership

By Lars Lange, IUMI Secretary General

Earlier this year IUMI and ALSUM announced their official cooperation with IUMI granting ALSUM affiliate membership and vice versa. ALSUM is the Latin American Association of Marine Underwriters and is comprised of insurance and reinsurance companies with a presence in Latin America. ALSUM’s objective is to raise the standards of marine insurance underwriting and cargo transportation in the region by promoting knowledge and education, and by learning from the professional practice of other advanced marine insurance markets.


From 28 to 30 October, ALSUM held its annual conference in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Lars Lange, IUMI Secretary General, was invited to present IUMI’s work and ongoing initiatives to ALSUM members. The conference provided an opportunity to grow the partnership between the two organisations. Close collaboration is foreseen in areas such as annual statistics, education, and advocacy. In this regard ALSUM is offering IUMI an excellent platform to the Spanish and Portuguese speaking markets in Latin America, allowing IUMI to share information about our ongoing work on various policy issues as well the annual marine insurance statistics and IUMI’s education programme.


The ALSUM conference was an important building block to advance this fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with our key partner in Latin America.
