The Cargo Integrity Group is a cross-sector initiative aimed at improving the packing of goods in cargo transport units and multi-modal containers. The group comprises the Container Owners Association (COA), the Global Shippers Forum (GSF), the International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA International), TT Club, and the World Shipping Council (WSC). All these organisations have been cooperating on a range of safety-related initiatives, including IMO’s Verified Gross Mass (VGM) requirement. One objective is to raise awareness and greater uptake of the CTU Code.
The group has compiled two documents for the broad industry to engage more successfully with the CTU Code and to assist a wider understanding of good packing practices. Using diagrams aimed to clarify the entire process and icons to emphasise key do’s and don’ts, the condensed text follows the end-to-end cargo packing process, in much the same way as the CTU Code itself, with appropriate references to the full Code.
The second document is a checklist for intermodal freight containers for safe packing and avoidance of pest contamination based on the CTU Code. This checklist sequences the main check-points from a container packer’s perspective, supporting sound decision-making. Successful completion facilitates safe and secure dispatch of a container. Both documents can be downloaded HERE from the TT Club’s website, both in English and Chinese.
The Cargo Integrity Group’s work to improve safety is an excellent effort to tackle common concerns of the logistics industry as well as marine insurers. IUMI is pleased to share information and results of the group which help to bring about positive change in the shipping and transport sectors’ safety culture.