We are delighted to announce that JLB Expertises has joined IUMI as an IUMI Professional Partner (IPP). JLB Expertises is the international head office of Cabinet BARRAL – a surveyor company founded in 1883 in Marseille. With offices in several African, Asian and European countries, it is an excellent addition to IUMI’s global network of IPPs.
A core competency of JLB Expertises is agricultural and food products imported into and exported from West Africa. Locations in more than 20 different ports and five subsidiaries in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Cameroon and Madagascar enable a wide range of services such as damage surveys, risk prevention consultancy for port operations, quality control of soft commodities, warehouse inspection and stock controls across these geographies and beyond.
Our new partners will help spread the word about IUMI, particularly in West Africa where IUMI is endeavouring to improve and broaden its footprint via the IUMI Africa Strategy as decided during IUMI’s first ever African Conference in September 2018 in Cape Town. We look forward to working with Remi Barral and his team to broaden the debate and exchange expertise within the marine insurance sector.