
IUMI makes significant strides to advance its diversity and inclusion agenda

By Lars Lange, IUMI Secretary General

IUMI’s Executive Committee recently agreed and published a statement on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB):

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are core to our mission and shall define who we are at IUMI. To address the challenges of a complex—and increasingly diverse—world, we must ensure every person has an opportunity for a voice and a seat at the table. We are committed to creating a diverse organisation where everyone feels represented and respected. We are working hard to embed these values across our work at IUMI.

This is one of the many outcomes of the IUMI 2030 strategy which is aimed at making IUMI future-proof. The strategy review, which is currently being undertaken by IUMI’s Executive Committee, has placed significant focus on diversity and inclusion with the ambition to take tangible steps to enhance our DEIB profile and that of the marine insurance community more generally.

An important angle will be the fostering of new talent within our association. To achieve this, it has been agreed by the Executive Committee to solicit nominations for a new “Junior Technical Committee Membership” category from IUMI’s member associations. The newly elected “Junior Members” will join their TCs for a term of two years as observers with an option to remain for another (up to) two-year term. Following the recent nomination process, I’m happy to report that 13 nominations were submitted for the 14 new junior seats. Specifically Junior Technical Committee Members must have at least five years and not more than 15 years experience in the marine insurance field at the time of their appointment.

These initiatives go some way to underline IUMI’s intention to advance our DEIB agenda and will assist our work towards a truly diverse and inclusive marine insurance community.
