
Jordan Insurance Federation joins IUMI

We are delighted to announce that the Jordan Insurance Federation (JIF) has become an associate member of the IUMI family and we are pleased to introduce Dr Mouyad Alklob, the Federation Director, as the main JIF representative to IUMI.

JIF is based in Amman, the capital city of the Kingdom of Jordan and traces its origins back to 1956 when it was known as the Jordan Association for Insurance Companies. It was the first entity to represent and develop insurance in Jordan and, later in 1987, created the Unified Insurance Office for automobile insurance. It was in 1989 that a Royal Decree established the Jordan Insurance Federation as the professional entity for the insurance sector.

JIF operates to a vision: “To pioneer in providing high-quality insurance services in order to develop the insurance sector and strengthen its role locally and regionally”

And to a mission: “To improve the insurance profession and cooperate with the concerned parties to develop the local insurance industry”

Currently there are 21 member companies under the JIF umbrella of which 15 are composite, providing life, medical and property insurances. The market includes a single foreign specialised life insurer. Insurance companies in Jordan offer a variety of services including marine insurance (covering imported and exported goods), in addition to motor insurance, and providing protection against fire, earthquake, theft and other risks. Insurers also offer life, personal accident and medical insurance covers. There are two ‘takaful’ operators in the market, while the remaining insurers are conventional.

The market does not include a specialised reinsurance company. Jordan insurers reinsure their operations after retaining a portion of the risk by ceding the remainder to Arab and foreign reinsurance companies. Insurance companies also exchange reinsurance capacity by jointly co-insuring large risks.

JIF provides a range of services for its members as well as a number of training events and the well-known Aqaba Conference. For more information visit

We welcome JIF into IUMI membership and look forward to an active and rewarding partnership.
