
IUMI meets IACS in May 2021 for the annual technical meeting

By Lars Lange, IUMI Secretary General

The services classification societies provide to the shipping and offshore industry are very important for marine insurers. Rules and approvals regarding newbuilding designs and checks and audits during the service life of a vessel are key. Marine insurance relies on Class, their work, expertise and judgement. As such, IUMI aims to maintain a close dialogue with Class on topics of common interest through the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).

In 2017, an annual bilateral technical meeting in which experts of both organisations gather was established. This provides an opportunity to exchange information and insight on concrete technical challenges and to work together very clearly on next steps and technical solutions. IACS is represented in these meetings with their panel Chairs, such as for hull, machinery, cyber, environmental or complex systems, led by the Chair of the General Policy Group. For IUMI, the team currently consists of Svenn Andersen, Norwegian Hull Club (Norway), Mikkel Andersen, IUMI Loss Prevention Committee Member and Codan (Denmark), Rama Chandran, IUMI Ocean Hull Committee Chairperson and QBE (Singapore), Helle Hammer, Chairperson IUMI Policy Forum Chairperson and Managing Director, Cefor (Norway), Rahul Khana, Allianz GCS (UK), Uwe Schieder, IUMI Loss Prevention Committee Vice Chairperson and GDV (Germany), Steinar Sivertsen, Norwegian Hull Club (Norway), Roberto Spanu, IUMI Loss Prevention Committee Member and Swiss Re (Italy), and IUMI Secretary-General Lars Lange (Germany).

This year’s agenda topics included container vessel fires, low pressure fuel pipes, remote surveys during COVID-19 and beyond, the loss of containers at sea, alternative fuels, possible exchange of data and IACS’ work on complex systems. IACS and IUMI exchanged information and opinions/targets and agreed on concrete action for further procedure or cooperation.

