
IACS-IUMI technical meeting strengthens collaboration on issues of common interest

By Helle Hammer, Member of the IUMI Policy Forum & Managing Director of Cefor

An annual meeting between IUMI representatives and IACS Panel chairs and management was held on 13 May in London. The meeting was chaired by IACS General Policy Group (GPG) Chair Zhiyuan Li. 

The focus of the meeting was on several initiatives in which IACS and IUMI already have a close cooperation. This includes container vessel fires, loss of containers, and carriage of electric vehicles onboard vessels, which are all on the IMO agenda. In view of a possible new submission to the IMO, follow-up from a joint working group between the two associations relating to fire risks from low pressure fuel systems was also discussed. 

The IMO has set a well-to-wake target of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. IUMI has previously co-sponsored an IACS initiative to consider the safety risks associated with this strategy. This has been adopted by the IMO, and the ongoing work on alternative fuel safety was presented during the meeting. In IACS, this work is coordinated through a new Safe Decarbonisation Panel. An even more recent Panel was also presented on Safe Digitalization Transformation. Currently, this Panel is working on recommendations on ship data quality, cyber security controls for ships in service, complex systems, and autonomous vessels. 

With seafarers amid these developments, human element and human centred design was another interesting topic for discussion. Going forward, IACS also presented on their work relating to additive manufacturing (3D printing) where a new guideline is under development in view of publication towards the end of this year. With additive manufacturing expected to grow from USD 18.01 billion in 2022 to USD 120.19 billion by 2032, the certification and quality testing of these products will become increasingly important also to insurers. 
