
People at IUMI: Veith Huesmann, IUMI

We are excited to announce the appointment to the IUMI team of Veith Huesmann as our Chief Analyst. We ask him to introduce himself: 

You’ve been employed by IUMI in a completely new role – tell us about that.

When I first saw the advertisement for this position, I was already engaged in leading pricing projects at Allianz Trade, a role I thoroughly enjoyed. Initially, I wasn't actively seeking a new opportunity. However, a conversation with Lars, whom I had known previously, changed my perspective. Our meeting was reminiscent of Goethe’s “The Fischer,” where the line “She half pulled him, he half sank down” perfectly describes how our discussion led me to consider this new role. Now, I see it as an ideal fit, offering immense potential to enhance IUMI’s voice in analytics. I am excited to embrace this new challenge and contribute to the organization’s growth.

What would you like to achieve over the next year or two?

People need to get to know me. Sure, data and figures offer intrinsic faith, but who are you willing to deliver your data to? Having been with Gard showed me how small the marine insurance world eventually is and that trust in each other is key. When it comes to projects, the Major Claims Database is something that looks both tangible and promising. In my opinion initiatives like these need to become pillars of excellence. By doing so, we can offer invaluable support to the maritime industry and contribute significantly to its advancement.

What are your thoughts of IUMI’s role in the marine insurance sector and where do you see yourself adding value?

Until now, the IUMI office has had to rely on partners, their goodwill, and the availability of their resources, which, thankfully, are abundant. Being part of IUMI has shown me the immense support we receive. However, I believe that having a dedicated individual who is not financially tied to a specific market player or bound to a particular country brings a new level of credibility to the field. By being this neutral party, I can enhance the trust and impartiality that are crucial for IUMI's role in the marine insurance sector. I am genuinely proud to contribute to an organization with a 150-year legacy, and I am committed to further strengthening its reputation and impact within the industry. 

Tell us a bit about your background and how you came to be an expert in shipping/insurance analysis?

It’s important to clarify that I don't consider myself the expert. True experts are the ones out there every day - preventing fires, reducing carbon emissions, and saving lives at sea. My role is to listen, learn, and connect the dots. I help to quantify the insights and turn gut feelings into informed decisions. I have been fortunate to gain experience as a business analyst with Gard for several years and to serve as a pricing actuary with Allianz. Additionally, my time with Cefor, where I chaired the statistics forum, has been invaluable. These experiences have allowed me to learn from some of the finest professionals in the industry, and I am eager to apply this knowledge to my work with IUMI. 

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

Despite the small size of the IUMI office team, the scope of our work is global. One moment, I might be on a call with colleagues in Japan, and the next, I’m connecting with someone on the US West Coast. Working at IUMI offers the incredible opportunity to serve the global industry and the responsibility to meet our high expectations. I am most looking forward to collaborating with dedicated experts from around the world and becoming a multiplier of our mutual insights. This role allows me to bridge diverse perspectives and knowledge, ultimately contributing to the advancement and innovation within the marine insurance sector.

Where would you like to see life take you in the future?

I have a wonderful family and am grateful for my health. I've had the privilege of working with brilliant people from all over the world and am surrounded by a great team. There is little I want or need to change at the moment, but I remain open to what the future holds. It's important to embrace change as it comes. For now, I am focused on making the most of my current role and continuing to grow both personally and professionally.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

Dare to move to Norway. Stay away from Wirecard stocks. Marry that woman.

And finally, tell us something about yourself that no one else knows!

Here are three facts about me of which two are true and one is entirely random. Next time we meet I am happy to hear your best guess. 

  • I am a law assessor at the county court and the longest sentence I have given was four years. 
  • I once had a paper cut so deep I had to be treated in the hospital’s emergency room.
  • I have sailed with the current king of Norway in the public “Tuesday’s regatta” in the Oslo fjord.