
The Japanese Marine Insurance Market: Overview, insights and trends

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The Asian share of global marine insurance premiums has been on the rise for several years now. Particularly, the cargo market has been growing and Japan accounted for 8.4% of global cargo premiums in 2021 according to IUMI’s global marine insurance report. This is second only to China and ahead of the US and the Lloyd’s market.

In this webinar, senior executives provide an overview of the Japanese marine insurance market, including historical developments and its peculiarities. The five expert speakers further discuss specific initiatives related to carbon emissions reduction in the marine market as well as loss prevention trends in relation to warehouse fires: 


Please click here to access the RECORDING, the SLIDES of Tom Shinya, the SLIDES of Tomoyuki Takeuchi, the SLIDES of Yohei Kawaguchi, the SLIDES of Hiroshi Kondou and the SLIDES of Masaru Kogiso.
